- Engineering studies and design
- System testing and inspection
- Compliance standards
FortEng prides itself on delivering professional services and cost effective lightning protection solutions to its client base across a wide range of industries in Australia and overseas including utility, commercial, industrial and mining industries. FortEng’s highly developed expertise in lightning protection systems design allows us to work with you to develop cost-effective designs, ensuring your new and existing assets are protected from the harmful effects of lightning strikes.
FortEng provides superior expertise in the following services:
Engineering studies and design
• Lightning protection risk assessments and stroke current magnitude calculations • Lightning protection system design using SES Shield-3D
• Insulation coordination and transient studies using EMTP software • Surge protection system design
• Earthing system design and integration between systems
System testing and inspection
• Generation, transmission, distribution sites • Earthing system testing
• Industrial and commercial sites • Auditing and incident investigations
Compliance standards
FortEng is able to design and model for compliance with the following standards:
• AS/NZS 1768 • IEC 61643 Series • IEC 62305 Series • IEC 60071 Series • IEEE 998 • IEEE C62.82 • Client specific requirements
Equipment and software
FortEng owns and uses industry-leading software:
• EMTP-RV • MATLAB • CDEGS analytical software with all available modules
FortEng’s engineers, methodologies and equipment allow accurate representation of the performance and effectiveness of any lightning protection system. FortEng has proven performance with design and modelling of lightning protection systems, from small sites up to complex systems.
FortEng believes in developing real and practical engineering designs and solutions that produce results for you and your clients, our communities, and our environment. We enjoy delivering high quality, sustainable engineering outcomes.